
The Infer plugin accesses the highest level representation of the information extracted from a binary file, and can be used to perform in-depth analyses. The inferred data features are gathered by using boomerang--a tool for acquiring the decompilation of a file, Radare2, and angr--an extensive tool for performing binary analysis.

get_cfg uses angr and an extension of it called angr-utils. The CFG is saved as a PNG image file located in the same directory as the file upon which it was called, and it is displayed immediately.

get_ir uses angr and its dependency PyVex to return the intermediate representation of the original bytes.

decompile gets the decompilation by using boomerang to translate the binary into C code. The file is saved in the outputs directory within FoRREST's root directory.

deobfuscate is currently being developed. We are planning to use a tool called metasm.

Not Yet Implemented

get_sys_calls is intended to return the program's call to the host system. Not currently implemented, considering using strace

get_func_trace is intended to return all calls to a specific function. Not currently implemented, considering calling FoRREST's get_functions along with the disassembly to determine where functions are called, and by what other functions.

slice Not currently implemented, planning to use angr to perform back-slicing.

get_stack_frames is intended to return all of the stack frames built by the program during execution. Not currently implemented.

symbolic_exec Not currently implemented, planning to use angr's execution engine for symbolic execution.

taint_analysis Not currently implemented, considering using a combination of FoRREST's \verb/get_data_references/ and \verb/slice/ functions.

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