A Framework of Robust Reverse Engineering Software Tools

Version 0.8


The purpose of this project is to create a framework for binary executable analysis that combines existing tools into one package. It also makes it easier to create or install tools into the framework for use.


This project is sponsored by the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Site Award “Cyber Security Research at Wright State University” (CNS 1560315).


FoRREST is currently designed for Linux systems


The installation script for FoRREST does not currently include boomerang or boomerang. Therefore, users will have to install those independently. boomerang must be installed in FoRREST's root directory.

During the installation, you will be prompted as to whether you want to install angr. This is to allow for a shorter installation time in the event that you only plan to use the lower level functions (e.g. using FoRREST as an introduction to reverse engineering).

A Note on angr

On angr's installation page, they recommend using a Python virtual environment because they have their own versions of z3 and pyvex. We do not currently do this in FoRREST, and the installation script will install the angr-custom versions of those programs.

At this point, we are not offering support for FoRREST while running angr in a virtual environment. However, if you would like to install it in a virtual environment, following these instructions should help you avoid some common problems when installing angr:

  • Install dependencies:
    • sudo apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev build-essential virtualenvwrapper
  • Make sure virtualenvwrapper is callable from bash
    • whereis virtualenvwrapper
    • sudo chmod +x PATH/TO/
    • Add the following to ~/.bashrc:
      • export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
      • source PATH/TO/
    • Then, source ~/.bashrc
  • Install several angr dependencies individually (as they tend to cause errors)
    • sudo apt-get install -I --no-use-wheel capstone angr-only-z3-custom
  • Finally, mkvirtualenv angr && pip install angr


To run FoRREST with the command line interface, from the root directory:



To extend FoRREST, just import it into Python

~$ python
>>> from FoRREST import FoRREST

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